Wine can be regarded as a sophisticated drink which is something to be sampled, supped and enjoyed over a meal. Just like other alcoholic drinks, taking too much wine could also induce wine addiction alongside with other possible health problems.

It is a known fact that not everyone who takes alcohol would come down with an addiction. However, drinking much without an addiction in place has the tendency to birth more problems.

Irrespective of the fact that it is red or white wine addiction, taking too much drink can have adverse effects on your health.

Below are the possible effects which could occur as a result of excess wine consumption:

  • Boosted blood cholesterol and toxins due to damaged liver function
  • Premature maturing
  • Increased fertility risk
  • Possible sexual dysfunction
  • Insomnia and poor quality sleep
  • Obesity

To some individuals, it could be confusing how wine intake can affect their health. Now, it should be noted that moderate consumption of wine has certain health benefits, and they often oppose the adverse health effects of drinking.

For example, taking red wine in moderation ensures that weight loss and its maintenance occurs, because of the presence and work-action of antioxidants on the fats in the body. However, when it is taken in much quantities, more pounds could be added.

Alcohol contains lots of calories, devoid of the provision of nutrition alongside the stimulation of appetite. An individual who drinks much is very likely to ingest extra calories which are present in the alcohol.

It is essential for an individual to note that there is a thin line between moderate drinking and excessive drinking, and the individual must be observant to note that there are some symptoms which are associated with excessive drinking, which could transcend into being challenging.

Excessive intake of wine has the capacity to induce serious complications which could cause health issues which must be attended to and managed.

The points listed below are signs that drinking has gotten out of hand:

  • Making attempts to stop drinking, but it does not work
  • Setting a drinking limit and exceeding it
  • Ability of other people to detect that you have a drinking habit
  • Feeling of shame and guilt after drinking
  • Taking wine alone and frequently
  • Hiding your drinking habits and lying about them